
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One Step Back, But That's Okay...

Laura is still doing ok. Last Thursday, they had to put her feeding tube back in. She wasn't eating as much as she should and not as fast. She didn't have to work for her food her first week of life. So actually sucking it out of a bottle is a new concept for her. But she's adapting well. She has come a long way but to step it up a notch, they are trying the "tough love" approach. Today they took out her feeding tube. Instead of letting her drink what she can and then the nurses give her the rest through her tube; they will be letting her drink what she can and then that's it. By the next feeding, they are hoping she will be hungry enough to want to eat more. Giving what she's been through, I feel she is doing so well. We still have no word as to when she will be coming home. Hopefully as soon as she can eat her entire bottle in one sitting. Thanks so much for your continued prayers and love. They mean so much to us. I have posted new pictures on my photo website ( and Facebook. Much love to you all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How About 5 Updates in 1??

Many, many apologies on the lateness of this update. It has been so crazy around here since my last update via email/Facebook on Friday. I know a lot of you have been worried since my last post so here is the scoop...

On Saturday, they did an EEG on her brain. The reason for this was to make sure she isn't suffering from any seizures. We have not received any word on the results of this test as of yet. They have sent them off to a specialist to review the scan and hopefully we should be hearing something soon.

Sunday I was released from the hospital. I was happy to be going home but so sad to leave our Laura behind. All of my boys came to pick me up about 10 and we had lunch at their favorite place; McDonalds! It was so good seeing them! After lunch, we all went to visit with Laura. This was Landon's first time seeing her. He thought it was pretty cool to get to be near her. I was the last to visit with her. One of the nurses was changing out Laura's tubes and usually that is our cue to leave. I was surprised when she told me I could stay. She explained most parents do not like watching this process but I told her I could handle it. I just wanted to be near her. Laura was such a trooper. The only part that bothered her was putting her breathing tube back in. My heart ached for her but as soon as it was in, she settled down. The nurse then asked me if I wanted to help feed her. I almost wanted to say like, DUH??? LOL! I was just so ecstatic just to be able to interact with her. So, I had to dip a Q-tip in some of her formula and put it around her lips. It took her awhile to realize what it was but oh boy! Once she realized it was food, she started sucking on it. Then after that, the nurse let me apply a special "chapstick" type lotion to her lips. The reason for this is, when you are getting oxygen, it really dries you out. So this was to help prevent her getting chapped lips. Man her little lips were so soft!

Todd and I have a schedule worked out so at least one of us is visiting with Laura everyday. I take Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and Todd takes Tuesdays and Thursdays. Weekends are our Family Days where the boys will come up with us to visit her as well. Monday, we had a lot of paperwork that needed to be processed so we all went up to visit. Todd went in first so he could talk to the doctors for an update. It seemed like only 10 minutes and he walked right back out. I'm like, oh, they must be having a shift change huh? He said, no, they wanted me to come out here and ask you if you wanted to hold her! I'm like what???? You have never seen a woman who just had major surgery move so fast in her life! OMG!! I get to hold me baby! It took a second for me to get myself together. I was so excited! The nurses told me that it would be best if it were a skin on skin contact so they gave me some hospital clothes and they set her on my chest. It was so amazing being able to hold her. There was no better feeling in the world! I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was just so beautiful! It was amazing just to feel her breathe on me. Todd took the boys in so they could finally get to see their little sister up close. They had to wear hospital masks but they didn't mind. They thought that was pretty cool!

Yesterday, Todd was eager to get up for his visit. He didn't get a chance to hold her on Monday so now was his chance to hold his daughter for the first time. Maybe after an hour of him leaving I get this text message from him. It was an attachment. It was a photo of our Laura; without her tube from the ventilator! She just had an oxygen tube in her nose for puffs of air!! I was in tears! What a wonderful sight! And you want to know what else? Her eyes were open! I have never seen them open before. Oh what a beautiful girl she was!

Today was my day. I couldn't wait to see her. I went to her room and the doctors were working on other babies so I knew I wasn't allowed in. So I peeked in the window and gasped. There was no baby crib where she normally was. My heart sank. Where was she? What was happening? I tried to see if she was just moved and one of the other doctors were working on her. Nope. My heart started beating so fast. Then I heard Johnson. Mrs. Johnson. I turned around and looked at the nurses station and there she was! No oxygen tube, no feeding tube. Just my Laura, getting fed with a bottle! I burst into tears. It was as if all my prayers have been answered. The nursed finished feeding her and burped her and handed her to me. She was then getting very sleepy. Guess she had a good eating! The nurse then told me to follow her. She was no longer in the "critical" room. She moved her to the main room in the NICU. She got me a seat and said enjoy! I held her for 2 whole hours. Just watching her sleep and gripping onto my fingers. You have no idea how good it felt to just stare at her, to kiss her cheeks!

Now even though she has made tremendous progress in this last week, she still has a ways to go. We have no idea when she will be released. We understand that the doctors just want to be sure that she is absolutely 100% before they will let us take her home! But please keep all your prayers coming. They are working! She is a true testament to that. I'll update again as soon as I can.

I have also added new pictures to our photo site/Facebook. She has changed so much in the last 9 days. Thank you guys again for all your thoughts and prayers. We love you all so much!