
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sorry For the Delay!

Wow! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating like I should! I just realized I haven't sent you an update since March! Again, many apologies! Gosh where to start...

Laura's lungs have healed rather well. They wanted to make sure she was eating well and eating with a little speed. She was a bit pokey! LOL! It did surprise us that the Doctors wanted her to be eating 5-6 oz of milk! Usually most newborns eat between 2-4 oz. We were told that everything here is done by weight and with her birth weight, that was the amount she should be consuming. Poor baby, she looked so miserable but if that's what it was going to take to bring her home, then that's what we were going to do! So as most of you know we brought our beautiful daughter home on April 1st. She isn't quite out of the woods. She has physical therapy appointments about once a week. Her reflexes on her right side are a little slow. Her therapist said it will just take a little work with her and lots of help at home to get her back up to speed. Hopefully by the end of the summer, she will be as good as new! Her next major appointment is with a Pediatric Neurologist. All babies that go through the NICU here need to be evaluated at their 4 month checkup. They want to make sure she is developing mentally and makes sure she is right on track. So far she is! She can follow objects and almost completely turn over on her side without any help. She knows all our voices and faces. She also loves to smile and giggle! If you get something close enough within her reach, she will try to swat it away. She's also pretty good about holding her head up. She is such a joy to watch! The change in her since we brought her home is just amazing.

But we have all been trying to adjusting to Laura's schedule. Between her doctors appointments and the boys activities, sometimes it's kind of nice to have a lazy day at home. We haven't had many since the sun has been out most weekends. Our travels have resumed. We are holding off on our travels outside of Germany due to the fact that alot of the places we want to go would probably require us to stay overnight and traveling with a newborn is not easy; especially here in Europe. Some of our travels include Keukenhof Netherlands for the tulip festival(that was the only exception traveling 3 hours out of Germany), Achel, Belgium (we visited a Trappist Monastary that brews beer) and Tongeren, Belgium (a great place to see a lot of antiques markets).

The school year is almost over. Summer is almost here! Todd will be away for a large chunk of it but that won't stop me and the boys from getting out and about. If it's a beautiful day, you can bet we will be out there enjoying it! I'm not wasting one minute of our time here in Europe! Logan is doing really well in school and is still enjoying choir. He has two final concerts; one one the 1st of June at AFNORTH High School (it's the international school in the Netherlands) and on June 10th at his school. He said he loves it alot and it really shows! He has been rehearsing so much that Landon knows his music by heart too! Landon is really excited to be going to his big brother's school this fall. I'll be working with him this summer to make sure he is ready for his first day of kindergarten.

I have posted many pictures to our photo website. I have now attached the link here to my blog page. Just glance to the left side of the page under our picture. Click on "view our pictures" and it will take you right there. The new albums posted are: Laura, Landon, Logan gets to hold his baby sister, The Boys love their Laura, Laura's 1 month pictures, Achel, Belgium, Landon's 5th Birthday, Keukenhof, Laura's 2 month pictures, Logan's 9th Birthday, Logan, Tongeren, Belgium and Fields of Gold. As you can see, I am a bit behind!

I will try to do better on getting news posted on here. I know several of you have sent me many emails wondering how everything is going. I did get your emails but responding has taken a backseat to a lot of things. I have so much email to catch up on. Let's just say, I'm now mailing my April birthday cards out. At this rate, I should be caught up by Christmas! LOL!

Thank you so much for your continuous prayers and support. We love and miss you all! Until next time....