
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Alright, Who Pushed The Fast Forward Button???

Wow, it sure has been a busy week! Where do I start? Well, first off, last Friday Todd flew out to the Canary Islands. It's hard to explain exactly where it is. I know it's near Africa and it's owned by Spain. Google it! :) The temps have been in the 60s and 70s for him and he has had the pleasure of going to his first nude beach! Apparently, the average age was 65+ so it definitely wasn't what he was expecting! :)

Sunday, of course was SUPER BOWL! I hosted a quiet get together here at the house with Zzch and Amber. It aired live here in Germany at midnight (Feb 8th) so during pre-game, we stuffed ourselves silly with wings and jalepeno poppers as well as Amber's awesome tortilla roll-ups that were filled with ham, cream cheese and chives! Man were they good! We also played some games during half-time. I had to ignore the docs orders in order to stay awake. 3 cokes and a cappuccino later, the Saints won. It was so much fun! For those of you who have never been stationed overseas, we are not allowed to have commercials aired here so AFN (Armed Forces Network) had people mail in their own home made commercials. It could either be a great message or something really goofy. Needless to say, they were way out there! Definitely was not the same as watching Super Bowl commercials! By the time I had everything put away, I had 45 minutes before the boys had to be up for school. Yeah, I was hurting on Monday. Landon was a sweetheart and let Mommy snooze while he watched a movie. He did promptly remind me at noon that it was lunch time! :)

Well today has been the craziest day of all! I had an appointment with my diabetic specialist. He says everything looks great and he sees no reason to put me on insulin at all. 20 minutes later, I was in with my OB. They ran the fetal monitor on Baby Helga. She sure was on her best behavior because they actually got 30 full minutes of her heartbeat and didn't have to chase her down every 2 minutes. Well my doc got to looking at the ultrasound and starts shaking his head. "Too big" he says. He changes the screen to the growth chart and her measurements are way above where they should be. I was like "Wow" and he said "Yeah, wow." So, I'm like asking him what do we do now? He changes the screen and he's determining her weight. As of today, she weighs a little over 7 and a half pounds. The weight to me is fine but there is something about here in Germany that anything over 7 pounds is huge. Yeah, whatever. We grow them big. But I think he is more concerned how long her legs are. She has herself folded in half. And she is still ready to come out. She is positioned head down and she has her arms wrapped around her legs. So ready to hear my doc's solution???? He's going to see me on the 23rd of this month. In two weeks, if she is still on this upward climb in size, he's inducing! A February Baby!! I was in shock. Things start going through your mind. I have always carried all my babies to full term; even with gestational diabetes. The thought of having her a month early really scares the heck out of me! What if she's not fully developed all the way? Is she gonna have to be in the NICU? I mean, we aren't even close to being ready for this baby to come! We still have stuff to buy and now we are officially running out of time! To top it off, Todd tests for promotion that same week! Man are we both going to be a wreck or what?

Thursday, Logan has his first choir concert. He is super prepared and has all his words memorized. I'm so proud of him. Singing has become his passion! He continues to excel in school. He had a great 2nd quarter report card. Just this past week, he received Good Deed of the Week for always opening doors for his classmates and teachers without being asked. What a good boy! Landon continues to amaze me everyday. He still enjoys going to preschool and loves to play on the computer in his classroom. I think he knows how to use the computer better than me! He knows how to start up the computer and shut down properly! How many 4 year olds can do that? This week in school he is learning about emotions so he shows me sad, happy and his favorite; grumpy face!

So please pray for us and lets hope Baby Helga continues to stay healthy. Many thanks to all of you who have sent us stuff from our baby registry. You have been godsends! We really appreciate it! In case you missed my last post; we are registered at,, and I promise to keep you updated on the 23rd and will let you know for certain if we will be having a February baby or not!

Much love to you all...

1 comment:

  1. Kerry, I know this scares you, but God has a plan and baby Helga is going to come out healthy and beautiful and you are healthy and everything will be fine. You have family here that loves you and we'll do anything for you guys!!!!
